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Comparing Japanese Jujitsu, Jeet kune do and Thai boxing.

Martial arts have become increasingly popular over the years, with more people practicing and exploring different styles of combat. Among the many martial arts styles, |Japanese Jujitsu, Jeet kune do, and Thai boxing stand out as some of the most popular and effective styles. In this blog, we will explore the differences between these three styles.

Japanese Jujitsu

Jujitsu is a Japanese martial art that emphasises throws, joint locks, and submissions to defeat an opponent. It was originally developed for unarmed combat against armoured opponents, but has evolved over time to focus on self-defence and sports applications. Japanese Jujitsu emphasises using an opponent's force against them, redirecting their energy and using it to control or subdue them.

In Japanese jujitsu, practitioners learn to use leverage and precise movements to gain control over their opponents. Techniques include throws, joint locks, and chokes, as well as strikes and kicks. The emphasis is on using technique rather than brute force, making it an effective style for self-defence.

Jeet Kune Do

Jeet Kune Do is a martial art created by Bruce Lee in the 1960s. It is a hybrid style that incorporates techniques from various martial arts, including Wing Chun, boxing, fencing, and wrestling. The goal of Jeet Kune Do is to be formless and adaptable, allowing the practitioner to use any technique that is effective in a given situation.

Jeet Kune Do emphasises, economy of motion and efficiency, with the goal of defeating an opponent with the least amount of effort possible. Techniques include kicks, punches, traps, and grappling, and practitioners are encouraged to explore and adapt their techniques to suit their individual needs and preferences.

Thai Boxing

Thai boxing, also known as Muay Thai, is a combat sport that originated in Thailand. It is a striking-based martial art that utilises punches, kicks, elbows, and knees. Unlike traditional boxing, which only allows punches, Thai boxing allows the use of all limbs for striking.

Thai boxing emphasizes power and conditioning, with training focused on building endurance and strength. Techniques include high kicks, low kicks, knee strikes, and clinches. The goal is to wear down an opponent with strikes, and then finish them off with a knockout blow.

Differences Between the Three Styles

The three styles we have discussed each have their own unique strengths and weaknesses. Japanese Jujitsu emphasises control and leverage, while Jeet Kune Do focuses on adaptability and efficiency. Thai boxing emphasises power and striking, with a focus on conditioning and endurance.

One of the main differences between the three styles is their focus. Traditional jujitsu and Jeet Kune Do are primarily self-defence oriented, while Thai boxing is a combat sport. Another key difference is the range of techniques utilized. Jujitsu is primarily a grappling style, while Jeet Kune Do incorporates striking and grappling, and Thai boxing is primarily a striking style.

In terms of training, traditional jujitsu and Jeet Kune Do tend to be more focused on technique and precision, while Thai boxing places a greater emphasis on strength and conditioning.


In conclusion, traditional jujitsu, Jeet Kune Do, and Thai boxing are three unique martial arts styles with their own strengths and weaknesses. Each style has its own unique training methods and goals, and practitioners should choose the style that best suits their individual needs and preferences.

All three of these styles are available at Target Martial Arts in Grantham

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